National DentistryForDiabetics - Program Unveiled Elite Group of Dentists Focus on the Special Needs of Diabetics
Released on: February 25, 2008, 9:59 pm
Press Release Author: Brian Forrester
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: The conference, held in historic downtown Richmond, Virginia, marks the first meeting and official kick-off of a nationwide group of dentists focused on fighting the growing epidemic of Diabetes.
Press Release Body: An elite group of dentists from all over the country recently gathered at a conference for the unveiling of the DentistryForDiabetics℠ program. The conference, held in historic downtown Richmond, Virginia, marks the first meeting and official kick-off of a nationwide group of dentists focused on fighting the growing epidemic of Diabetes.
With an estimated 21 million diabetics and 54 million pre-diabetics in the U.S., these progressive dentists are actively gathering to address this silent epidemic. As frightening as those numbers are, The Centers For Disease Control predicts the number of diabetics will double by the year 2010.
These statics prompted CEO and founder of DentistryForDiabetics℠, Dr. Charles W. Martin, to take action. "We now know that the health of the teeth and gums, is a major determinate in the health of the diabetic. Diabetes makes dental conditions worse and dental diseases make diabetes worse. The good news is our DentistryForDiabetics℠ dentists are trained to be able to help their patients not only have better oral health and beautiful smiles that match, but also total body health and a more easily controlled diabetic condition."
"The sad truth is the majority of diabetics and pre-diabetics don't understand the importance of the connection between their dental health and their diabetic health. The good news is that when you improve your dental health, your diabetic condition gets better, and as your diabetic condition gets better, your dental health improves and it becomes easier to fight off mouth infections," says Founder, Dr. Charles W. Martin.
At the conference, doctors in the program were trained on important concepts including how to treat the diabetic patient and how to handle their special needs. Guest lecturers talked about how DentistryForDiabetics℠ trained doctors will utilize special diagnostic tests and treatment methods that the dentist can perform in his office. At a special ceremony on the second day of the conference, all participating doctors received the official DentistryForDiabetics℠ Certificate.
To learn more about DentistryForDiabetics℠ and a DentistryForDiabetics trained dentist in your area, visit the website at or call 1-877-4-DDS-DIABETICS.
Contact: Brian Forrester (804)320-6800
Web Site:
Contact Details: Brian Forrester (804)320-6800
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